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The Long View Book


The Long View Book


The Long View Book

"This beautiful book is much more that a book of seven trees. It possesses some indefinable ingredient that wraps the reader in ... its pages possess that rare and intangible quality of awareness, which leads us, page after page, towards a deeper understanding of nature."
Sir John Lister-Kaye, Naturalist, Author and Founder of Aigas

Seven remarkably ordinary trees. Would you notice them?

Photographer Rob Fraser and writer Harriet Fraser have been walking to the same seven isolated trees in Cumbria in all weathers, a;; seasons, night and day, for two years. This book reveals the trees and their landscapes as far from ordinary, and demands that we take a closer look at what is around us.

With over 200 photographs and essays on trees, landscapes and walking, journal entries, poems and a series of interviews, this book will make you see trees, and the Cumbrian landscape as you never have before.


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